Master Blue and slave sheri - 2018 SouthEast Master and slave
Master Blue’s Leather/BDSM journey started over 19 years ago. He self identifies as a male identified leather dyke. He strives to uphold the values of honor and integrity. He believes that one should never stop learning and that one should give back to the community in any way possible. Blue, as he is often referred, has been actively involved in the local, state, regional and national community in many ways. He has volunteered, served as contest Judge, presented workshops, served as tally master, and served as master of ceremonies for many events. There’s not much he won’t do for the Leather/BDSM community. Blue is Mr. SouthEast LeatherFest 2010 and Mr. North Carolina Leather 2009. He served as Board Member and Contest Coordinator for SouthEast LeatherFest for six years. Master Blue is a Founding Member and current President for the Appalachian Women of Leather (AWOL), Co-Director of MAsT Lenoir, Producer of Master slave Reflections and the east coast curator for the Leather Quilt. He is also the head of household for his leather house, La Cosa Nostra. Above all, Master Blue is the proud Owner of his schiavo, slave sheri.
slave sheri resides in Lenoir, North Carolina and has been in the Leather/BDSM community for several years. She is honored to be the collared slave of Master Blue and is a member of his leather household, La Cosa Nostra. slave sheri loves traveling to visit various leather/bdsm groups, events, and leather club bar nights across North Carolina, the South East, and various other parts of the Country. She is a full patch member, current Treasurer and Road Captain for the Appalachian Women of Leather (AWOL), Co-Director of MAsT Lenoir, Co- Producer of Master slave Reflections and the current Client Services Director for the Leather Heart Foundation. She served on the board as Public Relations Chair for SouthEast LeatherFest for 3 years. She has served as the Volunteer Coordinator and Vendor Coordinator assistant for the Leather History Conference. Outside the leather/bdsm community, slave sheri serves as a Guardian Ad Litem, volunteers for a local LGBTQ youth group and a women’s shelter. slave sheri is passionate about volunteering and education. You can usually find her helping out wherever she can during an event.
Calendar of Events
25th CAPEX
1st Charlotte Peer Group
6th-7th Tarheel Leather Run
14th MAsT: Lenoir
4th MAsT: Lenoir
16th-19th Submissive Journey Weekend (presenting-slave sheri)
17th-19th NOLA goL annual camp out (presenting-Master Blue)
24th-26th Alphabet Soup: Trans Camping
August 30th- September 2nd Master slave Conference (service station-slave sheri)
9th WILA (presenting)
16th Ramblin’ Rose Triathlon
20th- 23rd Florida Power Exchange (presenting)
6th MAsT: Lenoir
12th- 15th Half Iron Man (Master Blue)
20th Half Marathon (Master Blue and slave sheri)
2nd- 4th Leather History Preservation
9th MAsT Laurel Women (presenting)
1st MAsT: Lenoir
5th MAsT: Lenoir
9th PAK (presenting)
1st- 3rd Sin In The City (tentative)
2nd MAsT: Lenoir
7th – 10th South Plains
15th – 17th LLC (tentative)
4th-7th Master slave Reflections
3rd-5th Trademark Run and NCLC
13th-16th SELF- Step down
June 2018 Column
Wow, we are a week post SELF 23 and it is still sinking in that we are the 2018 SE Master/slave. The support and love we felt though the entire contest weekend was humbling. We were so grateful for every hand shake, hug, kiss, and encouraging words. You may not know it, but each of you helped calm our nerves and gave us faith that we could get through this fast-paced weekend.
Speaking of support, the amount of support we have received is what has surprised us the most so far. We expected support from our near and dear, we have been absolutely blown away by the overall support we have received from the community as a whole. THIS is what it is all about.
We have set a goal to visit each state in our region at least once this year. So, if you live in states of Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee or Virginia help us hit our goal please! We would love to come visit, volunteer, and/or present for your group.
We are off and running right out the gate. June 23rd we will be vising CAPEX in Charlotte, NC. CAPEX has been a long time sponsor of SELF and we look forward to spending some time with these wonderful folks.
First weekend of July we are off to Greensboro, NC for the Tarheel Leather Run where we will be sponsoring lunch for everyone. We will also be joining Ms. SELF, Mr. SELF, SE Boy, and SE Bootblack for our very first 2018 Title family cocktail party!
To our judges, Tris Esclave, Tyesha Nicole Best, OB Hamm, Jazz, and Archer, thank you so much for your time, advice, and encouraging words.
To the voting audience, thank you so much for joining us on this crazy ride and for supporting us with your digital voice
To Lady Catherine Gross, SELF board, staff, and volunteers, thank you for all the hard work each of you do to make this such an amazing event and thank you for the support you offer the contestants.
To our handler, Jack Malone, you are simply amazing and we could not have done this without you!
To the Boy, Lane GearDog Doge, you shined and took excellent care of both of us even when we were difficult to manage. We love you!
To our cat herders errr den crew, Dave Hudson and Flossie Nadon, thank you for being there and offering whatever we needed to get through this with our sanity in tact. Every encouraging word, wardrobe adjustment, hand holding, hug, and being told “just breathe” was so appreciated and needed.
To our contestant class, Choc Trei, Zara Robinson, Kuvee-iamar Onyx Pearl, Tid Bit, David Williams, Bradford Dorfdarb, we can’t imagine a better group of people to have experienced this with. Every single one of you are amazing and we love you and thank you for doing the damn thing with us with such phenomenal support.
To our generous friends who donated to our baskets, thank you for your support by donating such amazing items that benefitted our travel fund we are extremely grateful.
To the attendees of SELF, you truly are an amazing group of people. We can never thank y’all enough for all the love and support we felt from each and every one of you, but know that we do thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We hope we can do you all proud during our title year!!
Master Blue and slave sheri
2018 SE Master/slave
Oct 2018 Column
So it’s been a busy few months with some fantastic events but also, a fantastic title family! Each time we have traveled all of us have stayed in contact with each other in group chat to support each other and find out where and when we will be. If at all possible we try to show up as a title family. I am so grateful for each of them and when we are together it’s simply magical and always fun!
We did a SELF cocktail at Tarheel Leather run (all in togas!) where we had the SE Master/ slave, Mr South East LeatherFest, Ms. South East LeatherFest, SE Bootblack, SE boy AND our title sister Person of Leather was at another event but Skyped in so we could celebrate together! I absolutely LOVE how close we are and grateful we get to share our title year together.
During Charlotte PRIDE we had to divide our time, my slave was presenting at submissive journey weekend, I was honored with being a part of opening ceremonies with the Charlotte Tradesmen, and also riding the Woodshed float along side them. This meant so much to me I have no words for how much the Tradesmen mean to both of us. I also got to spend time with Bradford (Mr. SELF) Tidbit (SE Bootblack) and Quazi (SE boy)
Again.. I love my title family! We had so much fun.
We presented for WILA ( Women In Leather Atlanta) love them so much! Also at the wonderful Charlotte PEER group and as always had a fantastic time! We attended the South Carolina Leather Contest where we had a great time and spent some time with Mr SELF, SE Bootblack and SE boy. Have I mentioned that we love our title family?
We also attended and presented at Florida Power exchange and got to spend time with our title sister Iamar (SE Person of Leather) and some other old friends, but also a lot of new friends.
It is no wonder we feel like we haven’t slept much in our bed LOL. We have been having so much fun traveling and meeting so many people! Upcoming we will be headed to Leather History Preservation, MAsT: Laurel and MAsT: Richmond and then a break for the holidays. We hope to see you!!!
January 2019 Column
Our home life decided to go into overdrive for the last part of 2018. The Universe said “hey, watch this” it seems. Our quiet house got invaded by our daughter and grand babies, a five year old and 8 month old. Talk about turning your world upside down! We do what we do and did what needed doing. She landed the job she was after and found a home of her own very near by.
Nearly simultaneously slave sheri got a promotion at work and was suddenly way busier than normal. I helped all I could to lighten her load and yes that meant many diaper changes and a continued battle with the dishwasher!!!
Dishwasher-1,Master- 0
We battened down the hatches and hunkered down to weather the storms. We relied on each other and saw our way through all the new challenges. Trusting that the foundation of our dynamic would hold us steady and true to the other side. It did and we went into the holidays grateful to be surrounded by friends and family.
First of November we attended Leather History Preservation where we had a wonderful time. We also retired the Sisterhood of the Traveling Boots to the Carter Johnson Library where they will be in the very best hands.
Thanksgiving is our annual tradition of opening our home to anyone who needs a place to go for true holiday. We were blessed to have around 30 people to be thankful with. Christmas was pretty low key for us this year, but wonderful all the same. We snuck off to the beach for a few days for our personal Christmas and had some much needed rejuvenation time.
As we head into the new year we made the difficult decision to withdraw from the International Master/slave competition. We have to make sure our focus is at home and on what is needed of us here no matter how much our hearts may desire to go represent the South East. We both thank every one of you for your support and hope you understand this difficult choice that needed to be made. I can’t say that we regret the decision because choosing our family first can never be a regret, but we will miss experiencing this with the great group of people that make up the 2019 International class. We hope your holidays were wonderful and the new year brings you joy.
March 2019 Column
Can’t believe it is March already!! Family and work obligations have caused us to be pretty quiet the past three months. We hosted the first annual Gathering of Leather Women in Charlotte which is a non event event. We simply gathered and spent time together. It was pretty amazing and we had a fantastic time.
We traveled down to SC to present at Piedmont Area Kinksters (PAK) and was welcomed with open arms. What a fun group of people they are! We had such a good time and want to go back soon.
Next week we should have been heading to South Plains to compete for International Master/slave and as many of you already know, we had to make the decision to bow out from the competition. Many people have reached out and offered sympathy and support, for which we are very grateful. Some people have said how tough a decision this must have been. The thing is, it was not a tough decision at all. Our priorities need to be exactly where we shifted them to. The decision was made that was best for us and our daily lives. It is tough to not be heading to SP next week, but making the right decision was not.
We are gearing up for our last three months as your SE Master slave and will be headed to Atlanta to LLC next. We hope to see you all soon!
June 2019 Column
Many Thanks
As we approach the end of our title year we can’t help but look back over the last year with humble gratitude.
The overwhelming support we received from the SE and beyond has been heart warming and appreciated. We would love to be able to thank everyone individually, but fear we would inadvertently leave someone out and we would never want to cause that feeling of being unappreciated. Please know that if you supported us in any way be it by word, text, participating in our travel fundraiser, inviting us to present, or attended to hear us yammer away, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. All support, no matter how small you felt it might be, was felt and cherished.
We do want to thank our producer, SELF board, and SELF staff for all the work you do behind the scenes to support your title holders. You said SELF was home and proved it constantly.
Near and dear to our heart we thank Capex and Master Varii for unwavering support prior to our title year and throughout it. Thank you does not seem enough, but we do thank you.
We wish the incoming title holders an amazing year and hope you will welcome them with the same loving arms you opened to us.
Master Blue and slave sheri