SELF group package policy

A group is defined as a club, organization, social or educational group that publicizes events and holds at least 4 events a year. Leather and poly families (even vampiric or other family types) may also participate. Group rates are available for groups with 5 or more members participating.

To form a group, find your members and elect a group representative. Once you have all of your members payments the group representative can then purchase a group by contacting us via the link below. Once SELF receives the request the group representative will be contacted. We will provide the group representative with a link to purchase their group package. Once the group package is paid for SELF will send the group representative registration codes for the group members to register with. It is the responsibility of the group representative to communicate with their group members on all registration details. The group must be purchased in full within one transaction. Please note that it could take up to 3 business days for SELF to setup a group. Please plan accordingly when purchasing near a price shift.

The rates are as follows:

5 to 9 registrations – 7% off the going rate at the time of purchase
10 or more registrations – 10% off the going rate at the time of purchase

Fill out the form below for information about your specific needs. 


Further Details: 

Group package must be purchased by May 1st.
Refunds are not available to any individual member of a group.

Group rates only apply for basic or social packages. Day packages and all swag are not eligible for group discount.
All members of the group must be registered by the time on-line registration closes.
No exception to any SELF policy, rules, or terms of service apply.
Additional passes cannot be added to a group once it is purchased.
Group rates are not available during kickoff pricing week.


Group Package Rates Form

Group Name *
Group Representative Name *
Group Representative Phone Number *
Group Representative Email *
Group Website (type "none" if no website) *
Group Social Media (Facebook, FetLife, Threads, Instagram) *
City or Regional Location of your Group *
Number of weekend packages to be purchased *
Number of meal packages (if applicable) to be purchased *
Date payment will be made *
Accept Terms *

I agree with your     terms and conditions.